01 Investors
Zincapital advices investors who are trying to identify market opportunities on specific sectors or activities that offer differential factors to maximize the return of idle funds.
• We prepare the company and its shareholders to incorporate new partners or stake holders. The process includes the identification of new investors, commercial adaptations, communication actions, valuations, etc.
• Our team has been working more than 10 years to make our customers get to buy or sell all or part of their companies, find investors, grow through acquisitions, strengthened by a merger, develop strategic plans and evaluate their companies.
• Once a transaction is completed, Zincapital accompanies the resulting company in its new experience, adding value through various contributions in the financial field.
02 Private and public fundraising
If your company is looking for funding or a financial investor, it needs prepared and experienced advisors to identify the best options, the relevant stakeholders and help with negotiations to maximize the value of your company. Zincapital has extensive experience in securing public and private funding worldwide. We have relationships with commercial, saving and investment banks, private equity firms and family offices.
When searching and managing public funding for national and international companies and projects, we assist in the development of the technical and financial documentation for each project, manage the process within the relevant funding body and monitor and control the funds raised, its certification and costs justification.
03 Financial Markets
Zincapital team extensive experience in financial markets allows us advise our clients on the following activities:
• Preparing and advising companies in the process of joining fixed income or equity markets.
• Dealing with the different actors of the process to optimize their performance
• Private placements of equity.
• Study and analysis of the debt markets and the opportunities and funding instruments to our customers.
The comprehensive analysis of the company and the markets by ZINCAPITAL provides its clients access to appropriate sources of funding in each case, as well as the optimization of the proceeds.
04 Merges & Acquistions
Independently advise shareholders, boards of directors and the company itself in process management, investment strategy, identification and evaluation of target companies and their assets ahead of a merger or acquisition.